Rough indication of Chlorophyll absorption peaks and spread

Modified pictures of files found at: I wanted to know what wavelength peaks LED needed to have for efficient grow lights, but could not find a clear-cut answer. I just drew the values into the files mentioned above, so zero empirical verification was done if these are the actual peak values….

Install Signal for desktop using new Debian GPG standards*

* UPDATE: LinuxUprising’s admin Logix has written, on my suggestion, a more knowledgeable article on the general case of the deprecated apt-key: Got a message, “Warning: apt-key is deprecated. Manage keyring files in trusted.gpg.d instead (see apt-key(8)).”? That’s because Debian is looking to not put third-party keys in its deeply trusted keyring, “trusted.gpg.d”….

Self-regulation and self-observance

I’ll write more thoroughly about this later, but first I’d like for more people to enjoy the implications of this video I recently filmed. At 11:00 the magic happens, for the less artistically-patient among you. Much like herds rely on food in their environment and can grow when there is enough food around, yet then…

Under Construction

Ik ben nog druk bezig. I’m still very busy, so no content yet! If you’re looking for me, please go to my contact page.